Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Posted by monstress :| at 8:13 PM
for now, we share about 'poltergeist' ---
anyone know what is poltergeist?
Fyi,poltergeist is a naughty ghost.

Poltergeist (from German poltern, meaning "to rumble", "to make a noise" and Geist, meaning "ghost" or "spirit") is in mythology and folklore a ghost, spirit, entity, demonic spirit or being that manifests itself by creating noise or moving objects.

Poltergeist manifestations have been reported in many cultures, and are part of folklore in all European nations, United States, Japan, Brazil and other countries. True believers in the supernatural often claim that no stable scientific explanation exists to date, although several physical theories have been occasionally proposed (some including tremors, air currents, ultra-infra sound waves or unexplained losses of gravity) to produce purported effects. Since there is no proof of the existence of poltergeists the consensus of opinion from the scientific community is that the evidence claimed by believers is all in the mind or caused by scientifically explainable phenomena (e.g air currents, tremors). By definition science cannot disprove the existence of poltergeists since it is impossible to prove a negative. The burden of proof is therefore with those who seek to establish the fact.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


for now, we share about 'poltergeist' ---
anyone know what is poltergeist?
Fyi,poltergeist is a naughty ghost.

Poltergeist (from German poltern, meaning "to rumble", "to make a noise" and Geist, meaning "ghost" or "spirit") is in mythology and folklore a ghost, spirit, entity, demonic spirit or being that manifests itself by creating noise or moving objects.

Poltergeist manifestations have been reported in many cultures, and are part of folklore in all European nations, United States, Japan, Brazil and other countries. True believers in the supernatural often claim that no stable scientific explanation exists to date, although several physical theories have been occasionally proposed (some including tremors, air currents, ultra-infra sound waves or unexplained losses of gravity) to produce purported effects. Since there is no proof of the existence of poltergeists the consensus of opinion from the scientific community is that the evidence claimed by believers is all in the mind or caused by scientifically explainable phenomena (e.g air currents, tremors). By definition science cannot disprove the existence of poltergeists since it is impossible to prove a negative. The burden of proof is therefore with those who seek to establish the fact.



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